Yoga Together - yoga studio
3907 South 48th ST, Ste. 4, Lincoln Nebraska 68506 College View area
We bring the gongs and you bring your self, your intentions and anything that makes you feel more comfortable resting on the floor for an hour.
This is a yogic sleep technique combining Nada Yoga (sound) and Yoga Nidra. You will be able to explore the inner landscape of YOU with sound. Expect gongs, singing bowls, chimes, and other mysterious and mystical sounds to deliver you to inner peace and relaxation into the higher astral planes of your consciousness.
This is a limited space event. Please contact Jennifer at Blue Bindu to reserve your space.
or text: 402-890-9287
35 Dollars per person.
Please pay ahead to reserve, Venmo or Paypal accepted to hold your space. Refunds unavailable with less than 24 hours cancellation due to the limited spaces. Thank you for understanding! Contact directly if you have questions, 402-890-9287
Venmo @Jen-Becwar
Come 10 minutes early to get seated and settle in. Suggested to bring yoga mat, blanket and pillow, and a friend!
Sound therapy can be a magical experience of connection and shared harmonizing frequency between people- as friends, as coupled partners, as a group. We are all made of sound, and we each vibrate at our own unique frequency. The shared harmonizing and bringing together of those unique frequencies can be healing, partner amplifying, and energizing between people in unifying sound wave frequencies. The sound roots out any dis-harmony or blocked energy and makes way the channels for love, companionship, trust, and beautiful shared levels of seeing the world together.