Crow medicine

On Saturday, Saturn’s day, we can be in alignment with the solar energies of the day by getting organized, serving others, doing your chores. Saturn is associated with obstructions, delays, break downs, etc, so being in alignment might be learning patience, surrendering to what is, accepting reality and taking responsibility, slowing down and helping others that need it. From the Nakshatra Oracle: “Saturn is the oldest of planets and controls time. Saturn is the one that shows you where your karma is and will do his best to make you face it, address it, so you can move through it and advance to the next level of the soul’s journey.“

Saturn’s vahana (divine vehicle) or spirit animal is a crow or vulture. Feeding crows on Saturdays is also a lovely remedy for Saturn…Watching crows as an omen of what Saturn karma is coming up could give clarity. You may see a crow on your car and that could give a message or omen that your car is in need of service. Crows showing up could mean there is some hard work on the horizon, or even a nod to your connection to Saturn at that time, i.e. a Saturn ascendant, transit or Vimshottari dasha shift. Do you have a relationship with crows?

Stephen Farmer, Phd. Writes in his book, Animal Spirit Guides:

Call on crow:

When you are faced with significant life changes and need help getting through it

You know you are receiving spiritual guidance in the form of omens but you aren’t sure it’s meaning

You are navigating a rather treacherous path through a project or relationship and want advance warning of potential pitfalls

If you are curious how the great planet of karma is affecting your life, we can do a natal birth chart read. And after, OR if you already know you are afflicted, we can use energy and sound medicine sessions, and call on crow to help with your Saturn issues. Om Shanti!

The Nakshatra Oracle Deck @dharma_malas

Yantra Bliss Deck Sarah Tomlinson. Sarah yantra

Jennifer and Joshua Ray