Karmic Cleanse, Harmonic Healing, or glimpse into your Vedic Astrology life map.
Mini Sessions, on location at Euphoria, 4139 O St. Lincoln, Nebraska
25 minute sessions for $35:
• Condensed Astrology Reading
• Karmic Cleanse with Energy, Sound and Ritual
• Clearing & Balancing
using Sound Therapy with Energy Healing
I am trying out some new sessions this fall, in a new "old" space, EUPHORIA!
Pop in to Euphoria for Mini-Sessions that include an Introduction to YOUR Vedic Astrology chart, a unique Karma Cleanse ritual using sound and ancient Vedic techniques, or a seated sound balancing with tuning forks, etc. These are all small but mighty sessions. Check them out at $35 for a 25 minute slot.
Mini sessions will include discounts on full readings , sound or energy work.